Introduction workshop for women
10th December at 15h – 20h at Little yoga space in Lisbon
Yoni is a sanskrit word meaning a sacred temple and it refers to a woman’s vagina. In tantra and taoism she is perceived as a cosmic gateway where everything comes from. As the most feminine part of a female body she is very receptive and sensitive, holding a lot of inner wisdom, mystery and power.
In our society many women hold negative beliefs, emotions and memories related to their body and sexuality causing a sense of disconnect from magical powers of their yoni and womb. This might manifest as a lack of pleasure, vitality, creativity, numbness, pain and other pelvic health issues.
Yoni Egg is an amazing tool that helps women to gain more awareness and sensitivity in their yoni. Consciously working with a yoni egg allows women to create a more intimate and loving relationship with themselves, bringing healing, vitality and pleasure. It also helps to tone the pelvic floor muscles that give support to all our vital organs and prevent leakage of our vital and sexual energy. It can assist in changing patterns of the cellular memory and regaining a healthy balance in the sensual tissues of yoni.

This workshop will be held in a safe space in a circle of women where every woman will be encouraged to respect her own needs and limitations and go at her own pace. We will use breath, movement, sound, touch and loving presence to connect to different parts of our yoni, to strengthen her muscles as well as find some softness in the tissues where we might hold tensions to restore the natural balance and unlock her full potential and power.
Yoni eggs are made of different types of crystals but traditionally they were made of jade in ancient China. Jade is a very balancing stone and has healing properties for a female pelvic, therefore it’s a perfect stone to start with.
Some Benefits of Yoni Egg you can experience:
• Increasing sensitivity in your yoni
• Gaining control of the perineum and all groups of pelvic floor muscles
• Awakening your creative energy, passion and libido
• Becoming more orgasmic
• Harmonizing your emotions and healing your relationship to intimacy and sexuality
• Reducing, breast discomfort
• Reducing menopausal symptoms, by increasing vaginal lubrication and balancing estrogen
In this workshop you will learn:
• Microcosmic breathing to move your energy around the body
• Breast massage techniques
• Basic Yoni mapping with help of the egg
• Different positions to work with the egg to activate different parts and muscles of your yoni
Note: Please bring your own yoni egg. If you don’t have one and you would like to participate please let me know.
Date and time:
10th December at 15h00 – 20h00
Early bird 40€ until 29th November
After that 50€
More info and registration here